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Showing posts from February, 2018


Walk up to that person, tell the person how you feel; apply for that job that requires 5 years experience when you only have 1; trust me to do the job even though I have absolutely no clue about what I'm doing; go for that audition even if you're not so confident about your skills at dancing or singing... What's the worst that'll happen? Nowadays, we're encouraged to be bold, try new things we are probably not suited for, fail and try again. While this might be a really good thing, like every other good thing, as humans, we've found ways to make it extra bad 😃. Personally, I don't think I'm a great singer, I mean, I can carry a note and when I sing, glasses don't shatter and stuff; but I'd never go and audition for something like The Voice or Project Fame or America's got talent 😂. I'm not that confident in myself. Plus my friends won't even let me. They always have this face when I start singing... So I'm not confid


Hey! Don't slouch, sit straight. Don't walk that way, walk like this. Don't talk so loudly, don't you know you're a lady? Talk confidently, don't you know you're a guy? You better read your books, after all that's why you were sent to school. Study hard, get good grades, graduate, get a good job, get married, have kids. Go to work on time, don't be rude to customers even if they are rude to you, remember the customer is always right. 😒 You've probably heard or said one or two of those sentences above. Sometimes, we say them on impulse, other times, we say it to others because that's what was told us when we were their age. But here's a thought... James Geary said, advice is given freely because so much of it is worthless, I TOTALLY AGREE. Whoever said that ALL those who go to school and get good grades end up with good jobs? Whoever said that all customers are right even when they're obviously wrong? Whoever set the stan


When I was younger, I used to look forward to Valentine's day with so much enthusiasm, not necessarily because I got any gift (I didn't get any gifts 😂) or there'd be no classes (Valentine's isn't even a holiday 😒) but I just loved the idea of love. For some reason, I hoped to have a few secret admirers who'd sneak a gift or 2 in my bag when I was not looking like I saw in the movies, but that never happened. It was one disappointing Valentine's day after another every single year 😂. Maybe that's why I'm not so anxious about the whole thing anymore... or maybe not Valentine's day means ALOT of things to different people. For big companies like Google, it's an event worth designing a logo for. For some young men and women, it's a day to do something charitable like visit an Orphanage or prison. For most, it's about the GIFTS! The one that takes a large toll on our savings but in the end is still worth it because we


I can't even begin to talk about how much I love sleep. One time, I slept for 12 hours at a stretch! and no I wasn't sick (at least I think I wasn't), I just really really love sleeping. But recently, I've not been getting much sleep 😔. Last night, I was in bed, lights off, pyjamas on... the mood was set for a good night's sleep. There I was, staring at my lids, slowing down my breathing and preparing to travel to dream land, but for some reason, sleep wasn't just coming 😓. For 3 hours, I kept at it, twisting and turning, trying every tactic I've learnt online. At a point, I gave up. I picked up my tablet and started reading a book that I've been on for over 2 weeks 😁 (I don't only love sleep, I'm lazy 😀). After going through a chapter, I decided to continue my search for sleep which I did for another hour before sleep found me, 2 hours before the time I was to be up for the day's activities. I have alot of nights like these bu


Recently, I decided to open an account with one of the most reliable banks I know because the bank I currently use is not particularly good. On that day, my friend and I went with the required documents to the branch that's located in my school. Since it's a small branch, there was only one desk officer and if you're familiar with the procedure for opening an account, the bank usually needs a copy of some documents that you can't give them the original to, e.g. international passport, student ID. Since the desk officer couldn't leave his station to make photocopies of these documents, he had to get the security guard to do the work for him. The security guy came with so much attitude to him. At first, he accused us of forging documents because one of the original documents we brought wasn't "printed in color", next he couldn't find my passport that I already gave to him so he started shouting at me as if I would steal my own passport . After a f


I don't know how many primary schools in Nigeria were like mine, but at my primary school, whenever a member of a class was celebrating his/her birthday, everyone in the class would be allowed to bring their party clothes that we called mofti to school for the celebration. We would wear our uniforms and carry our party clothes in our bag and change into it later when it was time for the party. So when I was in primary 1/first grade (I had so many adventures in this class 😂), I had this friend who was to celebrate her birthday the next day (or so she said) and she told me this personally. Feeling so special and confident that she told me this exclusively 😎, I didn't wear my uniform to school the next day. I just wore my party clothes from home, after all, it was my friend's day. I had to come through like...  Well, I got to school that day and found that nobody was wearing mofti... not even the birthday girl. So I quietly called her to ask her about the b


When I got my report card in primary one (first grade), I was 11th place in my class of about 22. On my way home, I changed the position to 8th and later to 5th. It made the report sheet look so rough but I didn't care. I just didn't want to show my parents a result that didn't show me to be at the top of my class. Obviously, I was caught because I wasn't an expert at "cancellation" and I had to cancel it yet again to change it to my original position 😂😂😂. When I think of it now, I realise how stupid I was then, but ironically, every now and then we all act like my primary one self in different forms. Here's the reality we live in. Most of us are average at most of the things we do, even if we are exceptional at a few things, chances are we are just average or below average at other things. In real life (that is, not in the movies or inspirational talks you've watched or listened to 😉), it takes ALOT of time and energy to become truly exceptiona


I hate school! 😣 Never have I more convincingly told myself that I hate a thing. I hate the fact that I have to get up early everyday to get ready to acquire information that I would not need in the future. I hate the fact that I'm tested by my ability to know what the teacher wants me to know, how he wants me to know it and present it the way he wants me to otherwise, I might not be qualified to advance to the next stage. I'm a square peg, I hate that I'm being forced to fit in a triangular hole, I hate it! We all hate school for so many reasons. The rules, the annoying teachers, the uncomfortable seats, having to wake up early to go for class 😓, the books we have to read, sometimes the ugly outfits we have to wear, the terrible cafeteria food that breaks our hearts and make us fall out of love with our favorite food 😉... The list is unending. But there's one thing that tops the list of almost everyone that hates school, the EXAMS! The most inefficient