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Showing posts from April, 2018


I've always been the overly ambitious yet carefree and nonchalant type. I want to have a very active social life yet I want to work a very busy important job that keeps me away from that social life. I want to share every single thought that crosses my mind with the world on every single talk show there is (maybe that's why I started this blog) but I'd rather not talk unless I'm spoken to and even if I am, I'll fight tirelessly to end the conversation. Put simply, I want to roll my dice and have every single possible outcome all at the same time. I want to sleep all day, wake up and walk into any store and buy everything available without checking the price tag. I want to be president... ok slow down, let's not get ahead of ourselves 😅, I'm still lazy remember. The truth is, I want alot of things. So many things that I don't think I can have them all in a life time 😩. However, since technology has been unable to find a way for me to eat m


Exactly 2 months and 10 days ago, I sat in front of my laptop in a classroom, ready to act on the promise I made 4 days before, that I would start a blog. After a couple of minutes, I was done setting up my first blog "well that was easier than expected" I thought to myself. It was then time to write my first post. I decided to call it what most series call their premier episode --- 'pilot'. Finding the title was easy, it was then to filling in the content. I'm sure I cleared everything I wrote at least 5 times because I wanted it to be perfect 😅. After about an hour or two, I was done writing, I couldn't read through everything I wrote because I was very sure it was rubbish 😂. Before I could let myself second guess, I quickly clicked on the publish icon and shut down my laptop. After making that post, I still wasn't confident enough to tell people about the blog because quite frankly, I thought my first post was rubbish 😁. So I held off