I always get this anxiety with birthdays especially when mine is around the corner. I'm usually anxious about what's going to happen on the day, the planning, the cake, the party (if I have any), the presents (if I get any 😁), the numerous wishes I might have to respond to from people I don't know on Facebook 😒, the fake love everywhere, the people I haven't spoken to in a year but speak to me on that day just because it's "my day". It's all somehow overwhelming. I get really tired and bored on my birthdays because I really can't deal with this stress all in one day every single year 😣. I know this year would be different though, not because the fake love or the once in a year messages wouldn't come but because I would write a blog post about what I think about birthdays 😂. The way birthdays are so important, you would think by now there would be some law or declaration that everyone would get a holiday on their birthday each year....