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Chapter 22 was in fact Double digits and Dangerous as Janine put it . So many things happened in that year. The 1st half of it felt quite suffocating. I had 3 exams to study for in just 5 months. Thankfully, I wrote and passed all 3 (with flying colors might I add  😏). I went on a UK tour and have so far been to 5 UK cities. I went to 2 shows at the O2 Arena, Wizkid and Billie Eilish's show! And did so many other fun activities. On November 8th 2021, when I turned 22, I never saw any of the above things happening, but they did anyway and a lot of the things I was excited to see happen didn't pan out as I expected. But all in all, 22 was such a FUN chapter. Couldn't have asked for more. Before I write these birthday blogs, I read previous birthday blogs to see what I was thinking about in previous editions. It's so much more fun to do now that I have 3 editions of this out. The previous 3 birthday blogs written are sooooo different from each other, but still very much t


It's been 1 year since I moved to London. I lived in other parts of the UK for almost 2 years before that. Here's a tale of the highs and lows and the many mids. Enjoy First of all FUCK GOOGLE MAPS Google maps can be a darling when it wants to be, but on other days when it chooses violence, it'd have you moving like your name is Dora and your life ambition is to be the explorer. You'll just find yourself turnioniown. To where? Nowhere! Again FUCK that institution. Google maps is especially annoying when using buses, particularly when locating bus stops. Remember my terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day ? That was sponsored in no small part by Google maps. My remedy? TfL Go app. TfL means Transport for London (a very functional name if you ask me). That's a blessing in disguise when it comes to locating bus stops. Everything else it does is not as good as Google maps. With trains, Google maps is pretty accurate though. So maybe don't defund them just yet. To


Hello All (I strongly encourage you to read that line in Jola's voice when she intros ISWIS podcast because that's the tone in which I wrote it 😅) When writing blogs, I often first have the title in mind and then write the post. But this one is a bit different. I'll get all my thoughts on paper first and then extrapolate what I think the appropriate title is. I might even tell you the point at which I decided what the title should be 😏  This blog will be like me talking you through what I'm thinking about right now, right as I'm thinking it. Enjoy Anyways, it's been a MINUTE. How've you been? (I also encourage you to genuinely ask yourself how you've been).  Let's catch up Last year when I dusted up this blog and said let's try this again , I did say that I was busier than ever. Well, guess what? I got even busier than that. Which is crazy for me to look back on and imagine, but it's true. The thing you'd quickly learn about being busy


Happy new year! 🥳🎉 Before I go into what this blog post was initially supposed to be about, let me talk about something that's been on my mind for a minute. The concept of new days, new weeks or years are all MADE UP!  The only reason why 8 am is 8 am is because some people at some point in history decided that that's what we would call that period in the day. The period of the day we decided is 8 am could have been 8 pm or 1 am or anything else. The only reason it's the year 2022 is because some people chose a random point on the earth's revolution and said THIS shall be the point in time where we start counting the year. So if they had agreed that what we now know as January 10th would be the starting point, we would have been shouting happy new year TODAY. It's not like our birthdays where there is a recorded starting point. No one can reliably calculate the exact moment in time when the earth's revolution started, so there's no starting point to begin