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Showing posts from October, 2023


I’m moving…. AGAIN? Call me Kwaku the traveller cos I do be travelling… but not this time. I’m actually moving. By now, most (if not everyone) reading this blog knows I've moved to Sydney, Australia. When I first posted about arriving in Australia on WhatsApp, I think some people thought I was just visiting Australia because I have been travelling A LOT this year. In just 9 months of this year, I've been to 6 countries, including Singapore and Australia, which is A LOT! If you didn't already figure it out, the reason I was travelling like a headless chicken in summer was because I sorta knew I was leaving the UK. So I wanted to get the most out of that location proximity and visa while I could. Few people fully understand how and why I made the move, and posting this on Twitter revealed this very jarringly. Especially since the tweet referenced me having worked in Cairo, London and now Sydney all by the --- very ripe (I quickly rued my choice of "very ripe age" a


I’ve lived in the UK for 4 years (give or take), and here are some of the most interesting things I’ve seen in this country as someone who lived in Nigeria my whole life and has travelled to a few other countries 😏 Starting with Geography, here’s a fun fact for you: the UK is made up of 4 countries: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Being the Kwaku the traveller that I am, I’ve been to at least 2 cities in 3 of the 4 countries within the UK (unfortunately haven't been to Wales yet). There are no “states” or “provinces” in the UK, not any formalized one, at least like we sing of the 36 states of Nigeria or the 50 states of the US. If you Google it, however, you will discover that there are 4 countries, 48 ceremonial counties, 83 metropolitan and non-metropolitan counties and 650 constituencies. You need to know the exact name of the place you’re going to within the city you’re in; if not, you can end up somewhere you don’t know.   Cue epp me epp me, dem dey carry me go


When Sabinus  said I dey expect something hooge, I believe he was referring to the US! Cos something hoogeeee did I see... Now I get it. I get why Americans are excessively arrogant. I've been to almost 20 countries, and I've never seen anything like it. It's so hoogggggeeeeeeee. No video, picture, or imagination can prepare you for the sheer scale that is Times Square, for example! The best part about New York for me is that it is IMPOSSIBLE to see all of it in 1 year and talk more of a week. And because I knew I couldn’t see all of it in my time there, it freed me to travel slowly, see as much as I could and trust that I’ll see it again whenever I visit next. NY is definitely a city I’ll visit again cos there’s so much left to see and do. But that's the TL; DR. Here's the tale of New York. Unlike Gibraltar, I didn't have the hotel booking kerfuffle, and this flight was leaving in the afternoon, so I could comfortably go from the office. This trip was also with


I stepped out of the plane into the sun and immediately thought this was the prettiest place I’d ever seen. This is a story of my 1 week in Gibraltar. While I knew from the moment my feet left the last step of the aircraft stairs that Gibraltar was probably the prettiest place I've ever seen, the 24 hours leading up to that morning was anything but. Let's go on a trip. I went to Gibraltar on a Wednesday. On Tuesday at past 6 p.m., I was uneasy about the hotel I booked and wanted to double-check.  I booked the hotel a few weeks back after searching for hours and seeing that, like Belfast , most hotels in Gibraltar cost a little over £1k for a 7-night trip. This hotel is called Ohtels Campo De Gibraltar , which, to my mind, meant it was in Gibraltar, right? I mean, it's in the NAME of the hotel. It's only in Nigeria that people call schools Canada International School of Nigeria when the school has absolutely nothing to do with Canada apart from the fact that the founder