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I can't even begin to talk about how much I love sleep. One time, I slept for 12 hours at a stretch! and no I wasn't sick (at least I think I wasn't), I just really really love sleeping. But recently, I've not been getting much sleep πŸ˜”.

Last night, I was in bed, lights off, pyjamas on... the mood was set for a good night's sleep. There I was, staring at my lids, slowing down my breathing and preparing to travel to dream land, but for some reason, sleep wasn't just coming πŸ˜“. For 3 hours, I kept at it, twisting and turning, trying every tactic I've learnt online. At a point, I gave up. I picked up my tablet and started reading a book that I've been on for over 2 weeks 😁 (I don't only love sleep, I'm lazy πŸ˜€). After going through a chapter, I decided to continue my search for sleep which I did for another hour before sleep found me, 2 hours before the time I was to be up for the day's activities.

I have alot of nights like these but no matter how far sleep might seem from me, at these times, I keep at it, because I know that no matter how little the sleep I get, I desperately need to get it. While searching for sleep, I got thinking about many things, one of which was about how I was searching for sleep. I did it with so much veracity, I kept at it no matter how convinced I was that sleep wasn't coming at all probably because I couldn't put on the light to do other things else my roommate would wake up and slap me silly πŸ˜‚.

Through all this, I thought, what if I pursued my so called "impossible" goals this way, imagine if no matter how elusive success might seem, I keep striving towards my goal, quit for a while but still go for it. I'm sure that even if life itself stands in my way, I would eventually win everytime... If only

But I'm still lazy and I still love sleep, so I'll spend my energy chasing sleep and laziness and yet again, I would say, do not be like me πŸ˜‰. Chase your goals the way I chase sleep, with all veracity and even if it's just 2 hours before you wake up, you'll achieve your goals.


The last line..... πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ
We have to chase our dreams the way you chase sleep, regardless of whether it feels like a carrot on a stick. At least that's what I hope to do
Henry said…
Lol...The last line is strangely eeric.."...even if tis just 2 hours before you wake up..."...Given the analogy,this just translate to "...even if you're old and dying,don't give up on your dreams"...Positive advice...but still scaryπŸ˜…...
Aigbe Ehis I said…
Lol real nice. Words to take to heart.
Dumkelechi said…
It's amazing how you gave someone the "ginger" to pursue their goals with a topic as "I love sleep". πŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎ
Unknown said…
πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ .

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