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Last week, I was at a seminar with the Deputy minister of finance Ghana and when he was asked what he would like to be remembered for, he said he would like to be forgotten 😯. Really weird right? Yea, I thought so too. He went on to say most times, when people are remembered, it's usually for something horrible that happened during their tenure and if you think of it like that, he doesn't want to be remembered at all.

While I don't think people only remember leaders that were awful, I think he was unto something. It is said that people could forget what you said, what you did and how you behaved but not how you made them feel. It is also common knowledge that if you lived your life doing nice things to people and at some point, you did one bad thing, people are more likely to remember and talk about the bad thing when they think about you. Insane but true.

If that be the case, I say quit! Quit while you still make everyone feel great. Be like Zinedine Zidane, leave Real Madrid after winning three straight UCL titles. Leave when the ovation is so loud, you can't hear your name 😅😅. If you can't win forever, leave while you're still winning 😏.

Disclaimer: This isn't in any way aimed at discouraging people from consistently and tirelessly chasing their goals. If anything, this post goes to say keep at your goals but don't spend your life flogging a dead horse because at the end of the day, this life is a gamble so quit when you're ahead... All the best gamblers do 😉.


Tega Odjugo said…
Hmmm..So the future of the blog?
Unknown said…
This is a precise but powerful piece. Kudos Edna
Unknown said…
Well, may we all have the discernment to recognize our loudest ovation.
You die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain. Nice one Edna. It's to hope for discernment to know when we should cut our losses and move on or when we should stay and strive to improve things till we can't improve them anymore (and are rendered obsolete)

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