Again, I understand that if all you have to go by about me is what you see on my WhatsApp status, blog, or what I say most times, it's easy to be led to think I'm unserious.
Truth is, I am unserious. Life is too short to be serious about most things. I like to think of myself as a free spirit who is only serious about what really really REALLY matters.
So I can spend all night working, but only think about food for a brief moment and all I'll post on my WhatsApp status is that brief moment of thought about food. Anyone who sees just that status update and all other previous status updates would be right to think that I only or mostly think about food. But the reality could be, within that all night, I've done a ton of work, started and or finished some applications, read and written some articles, watched some educative videos etc.
I only ever post and talk about what I think is interesting and light-hearted.
That means I won't likely post or talk to anyone about staying up till 3/4/5 am working, at best you'd only see my status update by 3 am talking about food or watching a series and think that that's all I stayed up till that time to do;
I won't post about the tens of applications I made during the holidays, you'd only see my post about a weird or funny thing that happened when I was at home or when I went out or something silly like that;
I won't post about the hours I spend thinking about very very serious things, I won't post about having a "great" result in school back to back to back.
I won't post about my plans or current actions, at best you'll only see the results at the very end (if I decide to even share it finally because I'm really secretive about those things, only my innermost circle gets SOME of this information) case in point: writing chapter 2 of my project in 4 days.
Most importantly, while it looks like I share a lot about my life on my WhatsApp status, I really don't share much. I mostly talk about an interesting aspect of my day that I feel moved to talk about, the food I ate or want to eat, my love for sleep and how people almost always ruin my sleep (truth is I don't get that much sleep anyway), the series I'm interested in; which is really just the tiniest most insignificant part of my day to day life but I guess the way I tell stories, it could make one think that that's the topmost thing on my mind or going on in my life when it really isn't.

So what's the point of this. Don't take my or anyone's social media posts as a serious depiction of who they are and what they're about because most times it really isn't. In mathematical terms, life is a whole, social media is only a very small fraction. Seriously friends, be unserious about people's social media lives 😅.
