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Showing posts from October, 2021


I’m not one of those people that remove their seat belts and stand up on a plane as soon as a plane touches the runway for landing. I’m that chill 😅  Especially now in the time of COVIK when they ask people to move row by row. I always look at the people that stand immediately in awe cos WHYYYYY 😂😂😂  are you scared that blood will stop flowing to your legs? What is this?  You still have to wait if you’re not sitting in the front row so chill for God’s sake 😂  In fact, for my 1st ever flight, I was with my mum, she made me wait on the plane till everyone got off, then we went to say hi to the pilots, the entire cabin crew etc. there’s hardly any rush for these things. I understand the rush for international flights though. You have to go through immigration and the difference between the 1st off a plane and the last can be almost 2 hours especially if it’s a big plane that’s full.  But people that do this for local flights get me every time 😂  I’m like, we’re all going to the same


It's been over a year and 6 months since my last upload on this blog, and for some reason, today (of all days), I felt the need to start blogging again 🤷🏾‍♀️ It's not like I've not been writing anything since April 2020. I started some articles in October 2020 and had a draft for my birthday last year, which I wanted to put out, but I just never got around to finishing it. For some reason, TODAY, I decided to dust off the blog and try again.  And it's HILARIOUS that, NOW, at this point in my life, I've chosen to do this because I'm now (and am going to be) busier than ever, between my day job, running my LinkedIn newsletter, and a couple of side projects I do to get some cointttt here and there, LOL. I barely even get enough time to even watch TV. If you've been following this blog, you KNOW that 3 things I live by are Food, Sleep, and Movies. So giving up movies is a big one for me.  But for whatever reason, this is the time I've chosen to pick this b