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It's been over a year and 6 months since my last upload on this blog, and for some reason, today (of all days), I felt the need to start blogging again 🀷🏾‍♀️

It's not like I've not been writing anything since April 2020. I started some articles in October 2020 and had a draft for my birthday last year, which I wanted to put out, but I just never got around to finishing it.

For some reason, TODAY, I decided to dust off the blog and try again. 

And it's HILARIOUS that, NOW, at this point in my life, I've chosen to do this because I'm now (and am going to be) busier than ever, between my day job, running my LinkedIn newsletter, and a couple of side projects I do to get some cointttt here and there, LOL.

I barely even get enough time to even watch TV.

If you've been following this blog, you KNOW that 3 things I live by are Food, Sleep, and Movies. So giving up movies is a big one for me. 

But for whatever reason, this is the time I've chosen to pick this blog back up. Maybe because I feel like this blog is more ME? 

On my LinkedIn newsletter, I give only a part of myself (my finance knowledge), which is such a TINY part of who I am. 

On Twitter, I'm not exactly sure what I'm doing there these days. I just pop in, read a few tweets, check on some accounts I like (cos Twitter's algorithm is great, NOT πŸ˜’), and leave. I feel like if I tweet, it's not really in touch with the whole Twitter zeitgeist. It's like everybody else is talking about rice, and I come and talk about the Bermuda Triangle. Like WHAT? So random and out of place.

Then on my WhatsApp status, I don't want to post endless beads of text status (that I know some people actually read, bless them). 

These days I find that I use my notes app and email drafts very often. I get a lot of my thoughts out in emails and notes and just read them to myself. I talk about some thoughts with my best friend but not everything. 

This brings me back to today. 

I was writing something in my email drafts (as has become my new normal) that I may ONE DAY post on my status, but that's just a lie I tell myself. Those thoughts were probably going to live in that email draft for YEARS, but then I remembered this blog, how much I didn't know that I missed it. So here we are. 

Let's try this again.

To kick it off, let me share that thought that led me here. Here's what I was writing in my drafts.

I noticed (and someone has pointed it out to me) how it might seem to someone on the outside, i.e., someone who gets info about how I'm getting on with life from my status, or even worse, Twitter, that I don't fail at really anything. How it seems like my life is an endless winning streak.

And JESUS! I WISH that was the case πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

I think it might be a deeply rooted thing for me. Let's unpack this for a second.

Even down to the fact that I show that the day is still bright at almost 10pm here in the UK in the summer months with videos on my WhatsApp status, but I don't share that it gets dark here from around 3-5pm in the Autumn/Winter months. 

Maybe I'm just a positive person. Maybe I like to only focus on the good things happening to me, with me, around me, and for me. Or maybe I'm carefully curating the image that people not close to me have in their heads. I don't really think the latter is the case cos I'm not too much in a hurry to share some things that might make me seem even better than I am. 

So maybe the former? Or maybe I don't like people worrying about me. I'm fine with being the only person worried about me and finding a way out of my mess.

Anyways, back to the main gist:

The reality of things is that for every win I have, I get like 9 Ls, LOL. My perfect winning streak is actually like a 10% probability of hitting on a great day! There was this day that was a perfect example of this. I had been looking forward to getting something and then found out I couldn't get it for some avoidable reason, and then later that day, I got a GREAT opportunity which wasn't in any way up to or better than what I couldn't get. Think of it like this, it was +350-1000. Was that day a win or a loss? Mathematically, it was still a loss.

But, I focus on the win like it's all I have. And focusing on the win can make the 350 seem like it was 3500. And I worry less about the 1000 making it seem like it was a 100. Which makes the win even bigger.

I tweeted this recently:

"My hack on how to stay happy

Focus on the good things happening to you, for you, around you, to friends, to strangers, in the world

Instead of trying to forget the things going wrong, focus on the things going right

What we focus on, we magnify"

And that's really what it is.

On my best day, I probably break even. +1000-1000. I get a big win and a big loss. Even the fact that I write the + first seems like it's part of the complex LMAO.

Anyways, that's my rant for today

So what's this blog going to be going forward?

Exactly what it was BEFORE! with better writing of course (hopefully cos I've grown and improved generally with time?) and fewer grammatical errors cos I have Grammarly yaaaay πŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒ

Just me, telling you whatever is on my mind. I don't think I'll have an upload schedule for it. So you'll get a new blog post whenever you get one. But I'll try to make it sooner than later... Maybe even a birthday post? Chapter 22, maybe LOL 😏 But I'm excited.

So... YEA

Let's try this again!


Itobore said…
Nice piece, with even cooler writing. #anticipating
Itobore said…
Nice piece, with even cooler writing. #anticipate
NchidiG said…
My Ls seem to make me shy away from trying to get even small wins, but I guess I will try now to get them , and have something to be happy about at least. Thanks for sharing.
To write this good your convos with yourself must be lit😁

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