Short answer: thinking and talking to myself... A LOT! Part 1: Thinking I am (or rather I try to be) very active in my thoughts. I try not to be an outsider or a passer-by to my thinking. My mind is always doing the darnedest things, and I come along FULLY for the ride 😂 I think I'm HILARIOUS. After spending some time with me, most people tend to agree (you don't have to agree, not everyone has good taste 😅 JK... or am I 😏 ). I know I know, humor is subjective and whateva Side Storytime with moi I remember my first day at my office in London when our colleagues took us out for lunch. We were just talking about ourselves and backgrounds etc., so they asked me about Nigeria. I said something along the lines of the government sucks, but the people are HILARIOUS!!! And made several other sentences emphasizing this. One of my colleagues, who's Ghanaian, later said he didn't really believe me when I said Nigerians are hilarious till one day after a meeting we were gist...