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I always get this anxiety with birthdays especially when mine is around the corner. I'm usually anxious about what's going to happen on the day, the planning, the cake, the party (if I have any), the presents (if I get any 😁), the numerous wishes I might have to respond to from people I don't know on Facebook 😒, the fake love everywhere, the people I haven't spoken to in a year but speak to me on that day just because it's "my day". It's all somehow overwhelming. I get really tired and bored on my birthdays because I really can't deal with this stress all in one day every single year 😣. I know this year would be different though, not because the fake love or the once in a year messages wouldn't come but because I would write a blog post about what I think about birthdays 😂.  The way birthdays are so important, you would think by now there would be some law or declaration that everyone would get a holiday on their birthday each year.


Hey 😀, It's been a minute... A really long minute 😅. Well let's catch up for old times sake shall we? 😊 Have you ever felt like you've been caught up with alot of tasks and deadlines (both personal and imposed) that you had to meet up with within a very short time period? That when you think of what you have to do in comparison with what you've already done, you just get weak or depressed 😣. Better or worse still, (because you're not yet certain if it's good for you or not) as you come close to wrapping your head around one task, another one just springs up 😢. You're like "Oya kuku kill me let everybody rest"...  Well this has been my life the whole of the month of October. When I just stop to think of what's left undone, I just get tired before I even do anything. The most common greeting I got from acquaintances was "hey, you look tired" I always replied "yes, because I am 😢😣😣😣". The most annoying


It's been 6 months since I gave up drinking carbonated drinks. Times like these get you thinking about how your journey started. For me, it started from reading a blog post by a fellow blogger and friend about the importance of drinking water. I still don't know why that particular blog post finally struck the cord that got me to make the huge lifestyle change that I already knew I needed to make long ago, maybe that was the 'final straw that broke the camel's back' that we always hear people talk about 🙀 who knows?  Also, for another reason I still can't bring myself to admit, I actually followed through with the lifestyle change even with the many temptations (and damn! were the temptations many 😖). At this point, you are wondering why this is such a big deal that I had to put in a blog post, better still, you're probably wondering why you should continue reading, (well, don't worry, it gets a little better... I think 😕😝).  For me, bac


We all like to spend less especially when it's our money (whether hard-earned or not 😉) on the line. It's no surprise that we all like cheap stuff 😁. When we're shopping, we try to haggle prices with sellers to get the 'last price' just so we can save a few. But here's a tough pill to swallow, sometimes those cheap things we love and crave turn out to actually be expensive 😨😰.  Gasps! I know right, who would have thunk it? Well, lemme show you how 😊... When we just look at the price instead of looking at the value of the item, we frequently end up buying junk that just doesn’t work as well or last as long. I have so many experiences to illustrate this. Here's one: So there was this day I was walking down the street and I saw this store with a really cool T-shirt that caught my eye. I went down there and asked the price, the first thing she told me didn't sound good. However, after much haggling (what my people call 'pricing')


Last week, I was at a seminar with the Deputy minister of finance Ghana and when he was asked what he would like to be remembered for, he said he would like to be forgotten 😯. Really weird right? Yea, I thought so too. He went on to say most times, when people are remembered, it's usually for something horrible that happened during their tenure and if you think of it like that, he doesn't want to be remembered at all. While I don't think people only remember leaders that were awful, I think he was unto something. It is said that people could forget what you said, what you did and how you behaved but not how you made them feel. It is also common knowledge that if you lived your life doing nice things to people and at some point, you did one bad thing, people are more likely to remember and talk about the bad thing when they think about you. Insane but true. If that be the case, I say quit! Quit while you still make everyone feel great. Be like  Zinedine Zidane,


This week I was involved in a couple of negotiations. I had to find a middle ground, somewhere that made sure everyone was happy. I was so emotionally invested on finding that place so I put a lot of thought and work into it. After thinking and negotiating for a while, I had to settle that there was no middle ground. It was heart breaking. All my work, sweat and time was wasted. I was sad, but I wasn't the only one that felt bad with the outcome. The party I was bargaining for wasn't particularly happy as well. It hurt to see that I couldn't help. Like most humans that turn into philosophers on social media, this situation led me to think 'why can't we all be happy...?', 'why can't we all be happy at the same time?' After much soul searching I came to accept what I've always known but never wanted to admit. We can't all be happy, at least not all at once. For some people, their happiness lie at the beginning of someone else's sa


Sometime in February, I was at the cinema. The day I went, they had Black Panther, 50 shades freed and Maze runner: Death cure all lined up and running at about the same time. I was very ecstatic about watching Black Panther due to the hype, I wanted to see what was making people go crazy 😁. However, I was also intrigued by the 50 shades series so I wanted to see how it would all come to an end, plus I had seen a couple of trailers before. I also wanted to watch Maze runner, although not as much as I wanted to see the other 2 but I've also followed the series so I wanted to see the end of it all. Plus Dylan O'Brien 😍 who played the role of Thomas was there so I had to see one of my favourite actors take on 'Wckd' for the last time on screens. After weighing all my options, I decided to watch Black Panther with hopes that I would be able to get the rest at school from fellow movie fanatics 😊. Thank God I did. Now here I am, 2 months later, I have both Maze r


I'm easily irritated. For example, I can't stand people posting pictures that have already been posted before on a group chat. Anytime I see that, I just feel like calling the person out for it. I also really dislike broadcast messages that threaten you to send with statements like "if you don't send to xx number of people, you'll die or not get admission into university; it happened to Jane and Paul" or the ones that try to test your faith "if you love Jesus, you'll send or a conversation between God and satan 😑". I really hate those kind of broadcasts so when people send them to me, I almost go ballistic. I also really don't like small talk. You know, all those conversations that are just 'hey, how are you, how was your night/day, have you eaten.... ok', the end. I feel those conversations are largely useless. I feel like if you have something to say to me, just come straight up and tell me, don't rigmarole, I get th


A couple weeks back, while reading a post on my friend's blog about the importance of drinking water, I decided to change my consumption habits from carbonated drinks to water. At that time, I was so convinced that I couldn't do it, I said to myself 'water is so bitter' 😣, I'd probably puke if I take too much of it 😣. I know you're probably thinking 'is it not the same water that we were taught in high school to be colorless, odorless and tasteless?' Well, to me, at that time, water was bitter and I couldn't imagine myself going everyday with that 'bitter taste' in my mouth. Day 1 went by and I was able to live with the 'bitter taste' in my mouth. Day 2 up to day 6 felt the same way. On day 7, a friend gave me a bottle of carbonated drink along with a slice of cake from her birthday goodies. There it was, my first temptation. Since I couldn't bring myself to buy carbonated drinks, temptation decided to show up with a


I've always been the overly ambitious yet carefree and nonchalant type. I want to have a very active social life yet I want to work a very busy important job that keeps me away from that social life. I want to share every single thought that crosses my mind with the world on every single talk show there is (maybe that's why I started this blog) but I'd rather not talk unless I'm spoken to and even if I am, I'll fight tirelessly to end the conversation. Put simply, I want to roll my dice and have every single possible outcome all at the same time. I want to sleep all day, wake up and walk into any store and buy everything available without checking the price tag. I want to be president... ok slow down, let's not get ahead of ourselves 😅, I'm still lazy remember. The truth is, I want alot of things. So many things that I don't think I can have them all in a life time 😩. However, since technology has been unable to find a way for me to eat m


Exactly 2 months and 10 days ago, I sat in front of my laptop in a classroom, ready to act on the promise I made 4 days before, that I would start a blog. After a couple of minutes, I was done setting up my first blog "well that was easier than expected" I thought to myself. It was then time to write my first post. I decided to call it what most series call their premier episode --- 'pilot'. Finding the title was easy, it was then to filling in the content. I'm sure I cleared everything I wrote at least 5 times because I wanted it to be perfect 😅. After about an hour or two, I was done writing, I couldn't read through everything I wrote because I was very sure it was rubbish 😂. Before I could let myself second guess, I quickly clicked on the publish icon and shut down my laptop. After making that post, I still wasn't confident enough to tell people about the blog because quite frankly, I thought my first post was rubbish 😁. So I held off