It had been a while since I had my favourite dish, plain hot Spaghetti and Sardines 😊. I already had my tin of Titus sardine ready, what was left was the hot Spaghetti and the tasty stew to match. So I threw on the first thing I saw when I opened my wardrobe and like that, I was off to the cafeteria to get it. 30 minutes later, I was back to my room with a bowl of cold spaghetti 😢. Who knows, It could taste nice afterall, I thought to myself while I cracked open the tin of sardine, poured out the excess oil and poured out the fishes to my plate. I did the mixing and viola! My favourite dish was ready... or so I thought. After my first spoon, I fell out of love 😓. My sweet memory of my love was replaced with the irritating taste of failure. A couple of spoons down the line, I couldn't take it, I gave it to my roommate out of my great respect for food. But still, I was disappointed 😟! The only food that I was sure I could eat at any time and still be satisfied had failed me ...