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Showing posts from January, 2018


It had been a while since I had my favourite dish, plain hot Spaghetti and Sardines 😊. I already had my tin of Titus sardine ready, what was left was the hot Spaghetti and the tasty stew to match. So I threw on the first thing I saw when I opened my wardrobe and like that, I was off to the cafeteria to get it. 30 minutes later, I was back to my room with a bowl of cold spaghetti 😢. Who knows, It could taste nice afterall, I thought to myself while I cracked open the tin of sardine, poured out the excess oil and poured out the fishes to my plate. I did the mixing and viola! My favourite dish was ready... or so I thought. After my first spoon, I fell out of love 😓. My sweet memory of my love was replaced with the irritating taste of failure. A couple of spoons down the line, I couldn't take it, I gave it to my roommate out of my great respect for food. But still, I was disappointed 😟! The only food that I was sure I could eat at any time and still be satisfied had failed me


I remember the day I heard of instagram. Some friends were talking about this new app that allowed you upload pictures, view pictures, get followers and loads of other fun stuff. I was so intruiged by it not because I liked taking pictures for people to see, but just because of the way they talked about it. They went on and on about how they had hundreds of followers and how their pictures easily gathered likes over this new app. So I thought, maybe I would do the same and maybe get even more likes and followers. Later that day, I downloaded the app and instantly created a profile. The goal then was simply to get more followers than they had and have my pictures become instant hits! Easy! Oh how naive I was 😂😂😂.  So I uploaded my first post and after a week, I still had 5 likes! Just 5 likes! I actually just had 4 likes plus my own like on my photo 😂. Meanwhile, my friends were cruising about a hundred likes on every single new post they dropped just within the first 24 hours


Walking down the street without a companion, sitting at a restaurant table for two alone, staying at home with no one to hang out with on a Friday night. Thoughts like these normally come to mind when we hear the word 'loneliness' and thus we can easily say we aren't lonely because we are always in the company of friends and family and even when we're on our own, we aren't truly alone because we have our devices that connect us to thousands of people at virtually a push of a button... If only loneliness was that simple 😩.  True loneliness lies in being surrounded by people of similar tastes and preferences and still feeling alone. True loneliness resides in having to hide parts of who you are and things you feel just to fit in. True loneliness is being accepted for who you are not! True loneliness is... being unique but having to act like everyone else 😔. Personally, I've had my share of lonely moments but I won't be talking about myse


Let's start this piece with a little thinking exercise When you think of weddings, what pictures usually come to mind? Probably something like this ▲ Or this ▲. But hardly something like this ▼ Here's the fun reality about marriages. As fun as the attention, the gifts, the flowers, the sometimes expensive rings, THE LOVE! the jaw dropping dress and the really snazzy suit may look on the "wedding day"; more often than not, that's all it ever gets to be 😞. Few years down the line, (if it ever gets to last that long) all those things would be faint memories of what had been. At that time, guess what remains? the person! The one that you promised to love, to have and to hold and all that overflogged wedding vow mantra 😞. He/she is the one left behind. The reality that you'd be left with.  Now forgive my tone, this might actually be a good thing if you got together for the "right reasons" and have been able to tolerate e


Hey there, I'm a young lady who has long been interested in writing and thus been writing stuff that I upload on my Whatsapp status, Facebook timeline and basically every other platform available to me. I never thought of starting a blog till few days ago when a friend saw one of my regular 'rants' on my Whatsapp status and asked me what I thought about starting a blog. So I decided "well, let's do this". So here I am. Few days later, writing my first post on this blog and excited out of my mind 😅😅😅. So I'm going to start this blog with the easy stuff. My everyday thoughts, experiences and stories... and no, it's not going to be one of those blogs. I promise you fun! I promise you jokes and stories you can relate with, I promise to highlight things that you probably said to yourself already. I promise to bore you and to take that boredom out of you. I promise you everything and nothing! Who am I? I am the lazy girl next door. The weird ugly voi