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Hey there, I'm a young lady who has long been interested in writing and thus been writing stuff that I upload on my Whatsapp status, Facebook timeline and basically every other platform available to me. I never thought of starting a blog till few days ago when a friend saw one of my regular 'rants' on my Whatsapp status and asked me what I thought about starting a blog. So I decided "well, let's do this". So here I am. Few days later, writing my first post on this blog and excited out of my mind 😅😅😅.

So I'm going to start this blog with the easy stuff. My everyday thoughts, experiences and stories... and no, it's not going to be one of those blogs. I promise you fun! I promise you jokes and stories you can relate with, I promise to highlight things that you probably said to yourself already. I promise to bore you and to take that boredom out of you. I promise you everything and nothing!

Who am I?
I am the lazy girl next door. The weird ugly voice in your head. Your inner poke nose. I am your thoughts. I am the hopeless romantic who'd rather live in an 80s romantic comedy 😉. I am the movie enthusiast in you. The one who would rather read the book than watch the movie or is it the reverse? 😕 well who knows 🙏? I am your  motivation, your realist. I am a lot of things and more. Join me on this journey of self discovery and who knows, you just might discover yourself too, if you haven't done that already. 😊


Dumkelechi said…
And let the blogger in you be unleashed
Bfh said…
Hehehe.. Interesting
Unknown said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said…
Aproko partner. First Class Student.

Welcome here Mami
Yet to be disappointed

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