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When I was younger, I used to look forward to Valentine's day with so much enthusiasm, not necessarily because I got any gift (I didn't get any gifts 😂) or there'd be no classes (Valentine's isn't even a holiday 😒) but I just loved the idea of love. For some reason, I hoped to have a few secret admirers who'd sneak a gift or 2 in my bag when I was not looking like I saw in the movies, but that never happened. It was one disappointing Valentine's day after another every single year 😂. Maybe that's why I'm not so anxious about the whole thing anymore... or maybe not

Valentine's day means ALOT of things to different people. For big companies like Google, it's an event worth designing a logo for.

For some young men and women, it's a day to do something charitable like visit an Orphanage or prison. For most, it's about the GIFTS! The one that takes a large toll on our savings but in the end is still worth it because we've made that special someone happy 😉 it's also the perfect day to pop the question 💍and seal the deal.

But somehow, like every other wonderful event in human history, we manage to make Valentine's a bad thing 😓. It's sad how people have to stay in really unhealthy relationships a while longer than they should just for this special event or worse, getting with a girl or guy that you probably don't even really like because you hope to get a really fancy present from that person or worse still, staying in an unhealthy relationship because you have been tagged "relationship goals" by your peers and it'd be disappointing to end that seemingly perfect relationship especially on the day of LOVE 😔. 

It's all just sad that sometimes we have to do things we don't Love for LOVE. It's heart breaking even.

So maybe you don't have a Valentine this year

maybe you are sitting at home Loneleeeeeee 

And maybe you wouldn't be getting any presents today

But friend don't be sad 😏

Be of good cheer because Valentine's day means so much more than that... At least to me.

Last night, a girl came to my room, looking really thirsty, I could tell that she had travelled far and wide in search for water to drink. Luckily, I had a sachet to spare. So I gave her the water, with a warm smile and said "Happy Valentine". With a sigh of relief and appreciation, she wished me the same. She asked for my name immediately and she told me hers. I could tell that she was genuinely happy. She had probably asked a couple of people before she got to me and maybe some among them had water but didn't feel the need to share with this total stranger... but for some reason, the same reason we do alot of things, I decided to share.

So maybe I won't get any gifts, maybe I would be at home Loneleeeeeee but I know that for one minute, I was able to show genuine love to someone I've never met without expecting something in return and that my friend, is what Valentine's should be about. That's the Valentine's I love.


Unknown said…
This was real nice. I enjoyed it so so much.
Unknown said…
I really love this post, I too as a teenager had a lot of disappointment regarding getting valentines, makes you question your self as a person and body image.
But as I grew up and learnt more I too see that valentines day is about showing love and kindness in whatever capacity we can and to different people without bias.
Aigbe Ehis I said…
Lovely piece; I so enjoyed this. Yea this is one event that makes or destroys so many relationships, self esteem and etc. But tapping into what it's all about is key. Thanks Edna
Unknown said…
I'm waiting for Prince Charming's gift lol... Nice one hun. Happy val's day 💜
Unknown said…
I'm waiting for Prince Charming's gift lol... Nice one hun. Happy val's day 💜
Author said…
My Artificial Intelligence BOT was my Valentine.
Unknown said…
Nice work dear junior colleague
.....but I feel the concept of Val limit and distorts the value of love by codifying it's purpose to a day. Love is an intangible asset of the human heart and as such should not be defined by a day's activities, but should be seen as an emotional expression that lives through time.

"Love is a free bird".

Just mine opinion though.
like Edna doesn't like val days
Kemi Adeyemi said…
Valentine to me is not so much the gifts and display of different forms of endearment as it is a time to show love to others, especially those that might never be able to pay back. In every little way, we should try to make others better, as humanity isn't just about being humans as it were, but being able to express humane characteristics.

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