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Exactly 2 months and 10 days ago, I sat in front of my laptop in a classroom, ready to act on the promise I made 4 days before, that I would start a blog. After a couple of minutes, I was done setting up my first blog "well that was easier than expected" I thought to myself. It was then time to write my first post. I decided to call it what most series call their premier episode --- 'pilot'. Finding the title was easy, it was then to filling in the content. I'm sure I cleared everything I wrote at least 5 times because I wanted it to be perfect 😅. After about an hour or two, I was done writing, I couldn't read through everything I wrote because I was very sure it was rubbish 😂. Before I could let myself second guess, I quickly clicked on the publish icon and shut down my laptop.

After making that post, I still wasn't confident enough to tell people about the blog because quite frankly, I thought my first post was rubbish 😁. So I held off on sharing the news till I did the next post the following day. I wasn't any more confident of the second post than I was with the first but I figured I had to let people see it. So I shared it on my WhatsApp status, told a couple of friends and had them look at it. They all had good comments to share, it gave me butterflies in my tummy 😊. 

Then I hit my first 100 views after about a week! Then that number doubled and it kept increasing and increasing, I was so ecstatic with every little milestone I hit. I became too cocky and set a goal of a million views for the blog 😅. So I started writing with that goal in mind, it made me more nervous about every post because I was addicted with achieving that goal, I was addicted to succeeding. 

At a point, it felt like I was so focused on the ultimate goal than I was enjoying the process. My mind was so fixed on the destination that I forgot to enjoy the journey. So I had to take a step back, look at what I've done, read through my 'rubbish' posts and realised how beautiful the process was and how well I was growing.

Suddenly, it was no longer about the numbers, it was no longer about getting a million views, I was back at the beginning, sharing my experiences with a bunch of people who might have similar experiences and having a great time doing it. Suddenly, it was about the journey again. It was then I discovered that the success I longed for was not lying at the end of the tunnel with a million views but it was with me at every step of the way. My success was my journey. My success is my journey.

Which led me to resolve to just live in the moment because I can only see the step that's ahead of me. Even if I know what I want to be at the end of the road, I don't know for certain what's there. So I'm going to enjoy my journey every step of the way because SUCCESS IS THE JOURNEY NOT THE DESTINATION. 


Bestvread so far.... Keep more of these coming... 🙌
Aigbe Ehis I said…
Easily one of the best post and one of the best reads I ever had. Everyone can do with this illumination. Wonderful one Edna.
Unknown said…
Success is YOU!
Unknown said…
This is an novel and intuitive insight on the categorical imperatives of being part of the process rather than a deliterious focus on the expected outcome. This deserves a play in mainstream media

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