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We all like to spend less especially when it's our money (whether hard-earned or not 😉) on the line. It's no surprise that we all like cheap stuff 😁. When we're shopping, we try to haggle prices with sellers to get the 'last price' just so we can save a few. But here's a tough pill to swallow, sometimes those cheap things we love and crave turn out to actually be expensive 😨😰.  Gasps! I know right, who would have thunk it? Well, lemme show you how 😊...

When we just look at the price instead of looking at the value of the item, we frequently end up buying junk that just doesn’t work as well or last as long. I have so many experiences to illustrate this. Here's one:

So there was this day I was walking down the street and I saw this store with a really cool T-shirt that caught my eye. I went down there and asked the price, the first thing she told me didn't sound good. However, after much haggling (what my people call 'pricing') I got the price down to half of the initial price 😨. You would think that would be red flag enough. I touched the material and it didn't feel great but I loved the aesthetics of the shirt so I bought it. 2 wears later, the shirt was so worn out, had holes all over and is a sad shadow of itself; had to send it to early retirement 😣. 

I read a blog post recently where the writer shared how to calculate the true cost of an item 😊. It goes like so: the value of an item is calculated by looking at the cost of the item and dividing it by how many times it was/will be used. The writer calls it the “cost per use”. So if a new blouse costs me $40 but I wear it once every week for say 60 weeks 😁, then it’s the cost per use is $40 divided by 60 which equals $0.67 per use.

Assuming I bought my shirt for $10 that I liked and only wore it 2 times before it sat in the back of my closet, then I would be spending $5 per use. The $40 blouse provides more value, even though the $10 shirt is cheaper.

So till all our hard work, blood and sweat start paying off to the point that expensive becomes cheap, these are my tips to help keep cheap things cheap 😆. 

Thanks for reading. Please share this post with a friend or all your friends if you liked it 😄. Remember, the more people read, the less expensive my thoughts would be and the less lazy I am to write some more 😆.

To check out the blog post I talked about earlier, click here.


Unknown said…
Hilarious and Inspiring!
Unknown said…
So, if I'm the type that would only use the clothes twice or 5 times max, it's better to go for the 🤓
Unknown said…
“Cost per use” ������
Very very funny.....Great initiative!
Edna speaks said…
Yep, you would be better off with the cheap low quality stuff
Unknown said…
What’s funny is me standing outside the store thinking how many times I may wear a particular item of clothing.😂

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