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Let's start this piece with a little thinking exercise
When you think of weddings, what pictures usually come to mind?

Probably something like this ▲

Or this ▲. But hardly something like this ▼

Here's the fun reality about marriages. As fun as the attention, the gifts, the flowers, the sometimes expensive rings, THE LOVE! the jaw dropping dress and the really snazzy suit may look on the "wedding day"; more often than not, that's all it ever gets to be 😞. Few years down the line, (if it ever gets to last that long) all those things would be faint memories of what had been. At that time, guess what remains? the person! The one that you promised to love, to have and to hold and all that overflogged wedding vow mantra 😞. He/she is the one left behind. The reality that you'd be left with. 
Now forgive my tone, this might actually be a good thing if you got together for the "right reasons" and have been able to tolerate each other that long 😂. But when you're stuck with this person for random reasons like family pressure, getting knocked up, family pressure because you got knocked up, THE FEAR OF "ETERNAL LONELINESS" and stuff; your reality might just be one of regret. The last picture without the hand holding but with both hands struggling to break away from the cuffs and if eventually successful, with scarred wrists; That my friend, would become your reality. 😟

Marriage is indeed a beautiful thing. Some might even say the best thing. But beyond all the folklore, the "badazzle" of the event or the love you share initially, there are 2 people, who are probably totally different in all ramifications on earth. The question now becomes, are you willing to put aside all that differences and live with that person FOREVER? Or rather for as long as you live however long that might be 😊? If the answer is not an unwavering yes, you probably don't want to walk down the aisle with that person, not yet at least. You probably want to spend that time alone, building yourself, probably start a blog like I did to pour out your idle thoughts 😂 or you probably want to chase those dreams! build that dream house, buy that car, break that world record or something. But here's what you don't want to do, you don't want to cuff yourself to someone that you aren't a thousand percent sure you want to be with for the rest of your life ! 😇

So that's what Edna thinks. Tell me what you think, leave a comment below.


Unknown said…
Marriage is hell and weddings are traps. Choose heaven and be free. Nice piece
Dumkelechi said…
Marriage is a beautiful thing but from my understanding, a lot of people go into relationships and even marriages with this selfish mentality. They go with the mentality that it's actually about them whereas, it's really not about them but about their partner. If people can start to learn to be more selfless and care more about what their supposed partner feels, thinks, says and does, they would understand each other better. Once people can let go with this mentality of "I have this, I have that, I can do this, I can do that, he should do this for me, she should do this for me, how would I sacrifice this for him/her", things would be better generally.
But even at that, no one should get involved with anyone as a result of pressure no matter where the pressure seems to come from. Make your own decisions cause you are where you are today, what you are today as a result of every single decision you've made.
Unknown said…
Marriage is one of the best things, only if you are with the right person and with the right motive. Most people are blinded by the whole amazing and sweet ceremony of the wedding but they fail to remember, "the wedding is just for a day". Afterward they are faced with the reality of living with the man, which is a whole lot.
We should start looking beyond the wedding, if indeed we would be able to go on the journey with whom we decide to exchange our vows with.
Kemi Adeyemi said…
Congratulations Edna, this blog post is really beautiful and very insightful. More power to you!
Tecco said…
I believe marriage is finding someone of the opposite sex who you can easily display the love of christ to which includes forgiveness and tolerance in all ramifications.
Unknown said…
My guy @Eric_Awuah 😂😂😂😂. This is deep bro. Heaven binds marriage ooh. But I feel you brother.
Unknown said…
Your words are blessed brother. More understanding Sir.
Unknown said…
Well to me; Marriage is about "commitment". The same way we're committed to those things we love e.g profession, our hobbies etc., that's the same way we should be ready to be committed with whosoever we decide to walk down that aisle with. Don't marry because your eyes are cute or because she's blessed up and down, no! Marry because you're ready to commit your whole life to her purpose.
Unknown said…
Awesome piece on marriage. Very contrary to the prevalent mainstream views that have lost their perspective of reality. I find this highly insightful and would recommend it to all I care(and might not) about.
Unknown said…
Nice post Edna ❤
Debowrites said…
Somebody said marriage is a prison cell. Choose your cell mate well.
I think that's what marriage is: but one thing I rely on is the ability of human character to change with time and circumstance keeps things interesting.
So, even if it literally is that, I don't mind. 😂
Unknown said…
I personally think marriage is a funeral with a cake. But this is great writing. It's hard to think that someone of your ilk has been around all this while, hiding in plain sight.
Unknown said…
I personally think marriage is a funeral with a cake. But this is great writing. It's hard to think that someone of your ilk has been around all this while, hiding in plain sight.
So marriage is never a Funeral of cakes like Pius thought .
but Marriage is Stage of Maturity in thoughts, action and Feelings..
is a festival of tolerance perseverance and care.
Unknown said…
😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂
Unknown said…
The role-definition for people in marriage is what destroys it.
If it was just about 2 people who love each other doing a ceremony in order to be able to be together as much as they want, then, marriage wouldn't be such a headache as it is now.
Aigbe Ehis I said…
Real nice one. I think marriage is about neither of the partners but both of them and their relationship n goals n etc. But the bottom line is, both of them together. Any other detail is couple-specific so that's it.
lovely write up. kudos

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