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My favourite season of Teen Wolf is easily season 3. Evil Stiles is undeniably the best villain of the show.

If you watched Teen Wolf up to that point, you'd know that 1 thing Stiles faces is nightmares. He explained at one point that one of the ways to know you are dreaming is, in your dream, you can't count your fingers. Inception explores this concept too. They explore how difficult it is to see specifics in your dream.

That's what living your dream is like. Dreams give you a bird's eye view, an overview of what your ideal life would look like. Your "dream house", "dream car", "dream vacation", "dream job" etc do not incorporate the second by second play of what it would be like to live the dream. 

Fortunately (or unfortunately), we live in specifics. The problem with living our dreams is that the overview is the same, but because we never knew the specifics, they catch us off guard. And the problem with specifics is that they are not all cute. 

So your dream house costs a lot of money to maintain, or it's stressful to keep it in the condition you dreamt. Your dream vacation had you going through a very long stressful flight, or your dream job is 90% grunt work with a sprinkle of enjoyment ear and dear that makes all the grunt work worth it.

You can be living your dream and seeing shitty specifics. And because as humans, we tend to focus on the shit in every clean room and not the clean around it, we can be living our dreams and still be miserable.

It's always important to remember that imperfect specifics don't make your reality any less your dream.

Life is but a dream. 

Be more conscious of the dream you're living in than the specific blemishes that come with it.


Itobore said…
I concur and I learnt from this. Lovely piece and nicely put together.
P.S.: Evil Stiles was lit
Unknown said…
Great write up Edna.
NchidiG said…
I guess we should give the same quality of attention to the white parts as we give to the black dot but with proportional quantity

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